Sunday, December 2, 2018

Another Mistake

It was all a dream
I thought that I met you
And I found someone that would listen
And that someone would get to know me
And that I would get to know them

That didn't happen
We talked
We texted
And what do those words really mean?

Now I am just trying to wake up
I really just want to wake up
Can I just please wake up?

This is my life
Chalk it up to another mistake

Tuesday, February 27, 2018


I sigh
And wonder why
Sometimes my standards are so high
If I expected a little less
Then I guess
We could probably still be phone friends.
It is not that I hate you
I just can't stand
The disappointment
Of appointment
After appointment
Being cancelled.

I know that you
probably want much more
Than my friendship
But know this
If you can't be my good friend
You can't be my good man
Similar qualities in both relationship are important
Who the hell are you that I will waste my life waiting on you to show up?

Flattery will only get you so far, my good sir
Like cotton candy when I haven't eaten
Words spun nice and sweet
But eventually, I will go and get a burger
Or a slice of pizza
A meal of substance to hold me.